Master: "Slave why are you frowning? I am the only one in this house that is allowed to show any emotions besides happiness. And since I'm bored with playing with this piece of lint I found, I guess I could talk to you."
Slave: "I am frowning because my blogspot button on my favorites has gone missing because someone was playing with the laptop when they weren't supposed to and someone pushes buttons randomly on that said laptop hence by removing the slaves' internet shortcuts thereby causing said slaves to forget about blogging on a regular basis."
Master: "Or it's because you haven't thought of anything funny. But you should really look into who's messing with your stuff. And really, it's your own fault for messing around on the laptop when you really should be paying undivided attention to your Master. And on a side note, that is not how you do a frowny face. THIS is how you do a frowny face - you have to get a deep forrow in your brow, but the key is to tuck your chin in and down so your eyes get all hooded. Like this. THIS is how you work it."
chuckle, chuckle!