Monday, June 14, 2010

You're not doing it right

Slave: "Night night little master. Sweet dreams and we'll see you in the morning."

Master: "Good night."

Pause for effect

Slave: "Master, why are you crying?"

Master: "You forgot to turn on my fish mobile."

Slave: "My apologies. There, bubbles and song. Night night, sweet dreams and we'll see you in the morning."

Pause for effect.

Slave: "Master, why are you crying now?"

Master: "You forgot to turn on my Sleep Sheep. To the sound of the ocean. I must have it."

Slave: "My apologies. There, the ocean for the next 43 minutes. Night night and we'll see you in the morning."

Pause for effect.

Slave: "Master, why are you crying this time?"

Master: "I dropped my soother and it's no where to be found. I've lost it and it's now gone forever."

Slave: "My apologies. There, it was in your hand, just upside down. Night night."

Pause for effect.

Slave: "Master, why are you crying now?"

Master: "You forgot to kiss me good night. I love kisses. And I need a cuddle. And a song. And then another cuddle. And then a kiss."

Slave: "And after all that will you go to sleep then?"

Master: "Yes. But only if you promise tomorrow night to do everything correctly in the right order. And no missing steps."

Slave: "As you wish, my little master."

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