Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Jump! Jump!

Master: "Slave, I have a bone to pick with you about this Jolly Jumper."

Slave: "What seems to be the matter Master? I thought you liked your Jolly Jumper.  You spend an hour in it every day."

Master: "Yes, well I do like it. The only part I don't like is that when I drool, the drool gets all over the floor and then I end up stepping and jumping in the drool and then my socks get all wet and then the sock lint sticks to my toes and then I end up with fuzzy pink wet drool feet."

Slave: "I'm sorry to hear that Master. Why don't you just stop drooling then?"

Master: "Because Slave, it's part of my persona.  It's on the list of things that babies do. Didn't you read the manual?"

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